A BroadcastVision Entertainment Company

We’re proud to work with businesses and organizations that help to bring communities together and raise awareness about hearing health around the world. We wanted to highlight a commendable organization that we’ve recently had the pleasure of working with to provide an assistive listening solution–World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry.

Meet World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry

World Lutheran Deaf Ministry Logo

World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry (WLDO) seeks to connect with the 98% of deaf and hard of hearing individuals who do not attend church because of hearing concerns. Various factors–sentence structure, passive voice, inefficient hearing assistance devices–have historically made attending services a challenge, but WLDO is changing that! Through resources, training, worship, and small group study, WLDO is helping deaf and hard of hearing people come together where they previously couldn’t. 

WLDO has deaf ministries in locations around the country, including Emmanuel Lutheran Church of the Deaf in Milwaukee, WI, Our Savior Deaf Lutheran Church in Madison, WI, Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Delavan, WI, Life in Christ Church in Peoria, AZ, Trinity Lutheran Church in Litchfield Park, AZ, Holy-Three-In-One Lutheran Deaf Church in Houston, TX, and St. Paul Lutheran Church in Jackson, MS. 

How WLDO Discovered AudioFetch for Assistive Listening

We were introduced to WLDO through a customer that had previously purchased our home audio streaming solution, AudioFetch Home. “My hearing is significantly impaired (60% loss) and I really can’t understand TV programs,” says Galen Stanely, who purchased AudioFetch Home in November 2020. “With AudioFetch Home streaming to my Bluetooth hearing aids via my iPhone, the audio is crystal clear. I use it every day.” 

After having such a positive experience with Home, Galen recommended AudioFetch to his pastor. “Our WLDO pastor ministers full time to hearing impaired and deaf people in our area and all across the US,” Galen added. “He uses the highly mobile AudioFetch Express for both worship and small group study while visiting many churches and congregations.”

The Most Affordable Assistive Listening Solution for Churches

Houses of worship around the world use AudioFetch Express as simple, affordable, and flexible assistive listening devices for churches, as well as to provide real-time translation services. AudioFetch eliminates the need for maintenance-intensive and unhygienic assistive listening devices or expensive and complex hearing loop systems. It’s simple to install and easy for listeners to use via the free AudioFetch app on their smartphone or tablet. 

If you’re looking for an effective and cost-efficient way to provide accessibility for your hearing-impaired members, AudioFetch is the ideal solution! Contact us by calling 844-HI-FETCH or scheduling an appointment to discuss your house of worship application and free get a quote.