A BroadcastVision Entertainment Company

5 Predictions for Wireless Audio Streaming in 2022

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As A/V technologies grow more advanced and consumers become more reliant on their smartphone devices, we expect the field of local audio over WiFi to continue growing in the new year. Below are our 5 predictions for wireless audio streaming in 2022. 1. Increased Focus on Accessibility  If there is one positive thing to come […]

World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry Provides Hearing Assistance with AudioFetch


We’re proud to work with businesses and organizations that help to bring communities together and raise awareness about hearing health around the world. We wanted to highlight a commendable organization that we’ve recently had the pleasure of working with to provide an assistive listening solution–World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry. Meet World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry […]

Performing Arts Centers Use AudioFetch for Assistive Listening Solution

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As theaters and performing arts centers around the globe begin to reopen, one key thing is on their mind–how can we provide a safe yet entertaining experience for guests? This question has led many to reconsider their accessibility solutions for guests with hearing impairments.  How have theaters traditionally provided hearing assistance?  There were two key […]

New Stadium Listening Solution by AudioFetch

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Experiencing a live sporting event, concert, speaker or other big performance involves all five senses. Seeing the video screens and special effects. Smelling the hot dogs cooking on the grill. Feeling the cool summer night breeze. Tasting that first sip of ice cold beer. Listening to the play-by-play commentary or catching all the hit songs. […]

How to Measure AudioFetch App Usage

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Do you know how often your customers and guests are using AudioFetch? What channels are most popular? Which ads are they engaging with? Understanding how your customers use AudioFetch allows you to make improvements and better understand your return on investment. Every AudioFetch customer is provided access to cloud-based metrics showing usage of your AudioFetch […]

How to Promote AudioFetch at Your Business

AudioFetch Blog Header - How to Promote AudioFetch at Your Business

Installing AudioFetch at your business is a breeze. Getting customers to use it shouldn’t be difficult either! Here are several ideas for announcing the addition of AudioFetch wireless audio streaming at your business, and getting more customers and guests to use it. POST SIGNAGE Your installation package comes with free marketing collateral to go on […]