6 Articles to Help Your Church Get Ready For Easter This Year

With Easter services just a couple of short months away, we wanted to share some of our most popular blogs about hearing assistance and translation services in churches. Check out the following articles to learn how to create a more inclusive environment for those with hearing impairments, how to welcome members that speak different languages, […]
5 Predictions for Wireless Audio Streaming in 2022

As A/V technologies grow more advanced and consumers become more reliant on their smartphone devices, we expect the field of local audio over WiFi to continue growing in the new year. Below are our 5 predictions for wireless audio streaming in 2022. 1. Increased Focus on Accessibility If there is one positive thing to come […]
Holiday Hearing Solutions: 4 Ways AudioFetch Can Help People Hear More Together

One holiday down, on to the next one! Now that Thanksgiving is past, businesses and organizations are gearing up for all the fun and festive Christmas events. To bring communities together in safer ways and help make these events more enjoyable for guests, businesses and organizations are using AudioFetch wireless audio streaming solutions. Discover four […]
World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry Provides Hearing Assistance with AudioFetch

We’re proud to work with businesses and organizations that help to bring communities together and raise awareness about hearing health around the world. We wanted to highlight a commendable organization that we’ve recently had the pleasure of working with to provide an assistive listening solution–World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry. Meet World Lutheran Deaf Outreach Ministry […]
Help Your Congregation Hear Easter Services

Easter services bring in a larger crowd than usual each year. And while this year’s services will be anything but usual, houses of worship can still expect to see more community members visiting the church for the holiday. Whether your organization is planning to have indoor or outdoor services, there are ways you can help […]
New Technology for a New Normal

We’re all eager to return to some semblance of normalcy in our daily and public lives. Yet, with new more contagious and more deadly variants of COVID-19 spreading across the globe, that possibility keeps getting further and further away. And even when the world does get a handle on this pandemic, and public businesses and […]
How to Make Your Worship Services More Accessible

Creating a welcoming and inclusive environment is a key goal for every type of religious organization. Church members and guests should be provided with resources and tools that allow them to take part in weekly services and other events to the fullest extent possible, despite any hearing impairments or language barriers. Yet, because houses of […]
Top 4 Questions About Hearing Loss

Hearing loss affects 48 million people in the United States, with 14% of adults ages 45 to 64 experiencing some type of hearing impairment. Whether mild or severe, untreated hearing loss can be difficult. It can lead to social isolation and even contribute to health problems. The good news is that there are many types […]