A BroadcastVision Entertainment Company

After being locked indoors for several months, staring at screens for entertainment, people are itching to get out of the house and experience something in real life. Yet, travelers are still concerned about their health and safety. While some people are venturing out in wider areas, they remain cautious of the places they’re visiting and the people they’re interacting with. 

To help assuage travelers’ safety concerns and provide the necessary precautions, travel and tourism brands are leveraging our AudioFetch wireless audio streaming technology. 

AudioFetch helps create extra space for social distancing by allowing attendees to hear the guide via their smartphone, rather than crowding around in a group. And since they’re using their own smartphone, not a device provided to them by the tour, it limits the number of surfaces that individuals come into contact with (and limits the items the tour company has to sanitize after each tour!). 

Since lockdown restrictions began lifting earlier this summer, we’ve worked with numerous travel and tourism brands to help them create social distance tours. Some of the unique uses we’ve found are:

Factory Tours

Whether they’re for educational, entertainment or inspection purposes, factory tours can be made safer and more enjoyable with a wireless tour guide system. Not only does the system eliminate the need to provide devices that must be sanitized, it allows all attendees to remain six feet apart and still hear the tour guide. 

City Tours

Even traveling down the street can seem like a major adventure these days. And that’s why local city tours have been a hot trend this summer. Tours Accolde is using AudioFetch to provide guided walking tours in Quebec City and Lévis, Canada, showing off the local history, architecture, culture and lifestyle. 

Brewery Tours

This is a big one in our home state of Colorado! Breweries big and small run tours of their facilities for a sneak peek into the machinery and processes required for a perfect pint. Just like factories, breweries can be loud places that make it difficult for tour guides to hear and be heard. Our technology allows anyone with a smartphone to hear, AND to maintain a safe social distance. 

Garden Tours

Outdoor destinations have been deemed a safer alternative to indoor destinations, and many travel spots are beefing up their outdoor garden tours to provide this option. Whether it’s botanic gardens that are limiting tours to only their outdoor attractions, or indoor tours that are making the typically overlooked garden portion the main event. 

Architecture Tours

New River Architecture offers waterway cruises using electric-powered boats to guide visitors through the architecture and landscape of Fort Lauderdale, the “Venice of America.” Using AudioFetch and the open air venue, New River Architecture will provide a safer alternative to indoor tours. 

College Campus Tours

Prospective students and freshmen are typically treated to a campus-wide tour of all the new facilities they can visit. These tours can still take place by using wireless tour guide technology that permits people to keep a safe distance, while still hearing the every word the tour guide says. 

If you have questions about how AudioFetch allows you to run tours more responsibly with our tour guide system app, people do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping you get your tour business back up and running, and doing so in the safest way possible.