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Everything You Need to Know to Protect Your Hearing

Woman Using Headphones - AudioFetch - Audio Over WiFi Streaming

Did you know that 466 million people live with hearing loss worldwide? That’s why we celebrate World Hearing Day on March 3, 2020. World Hearing Day is a time to raise awareness for hearing loss prevention and help provide solutions for people with hearing impairments. In today’s loud world, noise-induced damage is one of the […]

Top Reasons Why People Don’t Wear Hearing Aids [Infographic]

80% of people between the ages of 55 and 74 who could benefit from hearing aids don’t wear them, according to a study published in the International Journal of Audiology. The reasons for not wearing hearing aids are many–they’re uncomfortable or even painful, they’re too expensive, they no longer work like they did at first, […]

Celebrate World Hearing Day

World Hearing Day - AudioFetch - Audio Over WiFi Streaming

March 3, 2020 is World Hearing Day. World Hearing Day is about raising global awareness for the importance of hearing. This day encourages people to protect their hearing while spreading the word about new solutions for the hearing impaired. Being able to hear is part of a healthy, happy life. World Hearing Day invites us […]

6 Ways to Protect Your Hearing [Infographic]

AudioFetch Blog Header - Hearing Protection Infographic

Once your hearing is gone, there’s no getting it back.  Damage to your hearing–whether due to prolonged exposure to loud noises, an infection or illness, or medications–is irreparable. While somethings can’t be prevented, like the normal hearing loss that occurs with age, there are plenty of things you can do to Listen Responsibly and prevent […]

Top 4 Questions About Hearing Loss

Woman with Headphones - Audio Over WiFi Streaming

Hearing loss affects 48 million people in the United States, with 14% of adults ages 45 to 64 experiencing some type of hearing impairment. Whether mild or severe, untreated hearing loss can be difficult. It can lead to social isolation and even contribute to health problems. The good news is that there are many types […]

Protect Your Hearing for a Healthier Brain

Woman Using AudioFetch App in Restaurant

There are many reasons to protect your hearing. By taking steps to avoid hearing loss, you can remain engaged in your community and continue living life to the fullest as you age. But did you know that protecting your hearing also leads to a healthier brain? According to a recent Lancet study cited by the […]

4 Surprising Causes of Hearing Loss

Man with Headphones - AudioFetch Audio Over WiFI

Happy New Ear from AudioFetch! Have you started on your New Year’s resolutions? It’s not too late to make healthy hearing one of your goals. With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can protect your hearing in 2020 and beyond. At AudioFetch, we’re passionate about providing solutions for people with hearing loss or damage. Like […]

Facts About Hearing Loss [Infographic]

Hearing Loss Facts - AudioFetch Blog Header

More than 466 million people worldwide suffer from some type of hearing loss according to the World Health Organization. Over the next 30 years, that number is expected to nearly double thanks to louder and louder environments, age-related hearing loss, ear and other infections, and the use of ototoxic medicines, which adversely impact the way […]

Happy New Ear from AudioFetch

All Ears Dog - AudioFetch Blog Header - Wireless Audio Streaming

What’s your New Year’s Resolution? At AudioFetch, we’re dedicating 2020 to healthy hearing, so we want to wish you all a Happy New Ear! According to the World Health Organization, there are over 466 million people worldwide who experience some type of hearing loss or damage. Over the next 30 years, that number is expected […]