How Your Business or Organization Can Host Drive-In Events

Many of our church customers are hosting parking lot church services, allowing their members to continue coming together while maintaining a safe physical distance. These “drive-in” style services let their members maintain a sense of community and connection, without risking the health of themselves and their families. These socially-distant gatherings have been so popular over […]
Celebrate World Hearing Day

March 3, 2020 is World Hearing Day. World Hearing Day is about raising global awareness for the importance of hearing. This day encourages people to protect their hearing while spreading the word about new solutions for the hearing impaired. Being able to hear is part of a healthy, happy life. World Hearing Day invites us […]
How Coworking Spaces Can Take Advantage of Local Audio Over WiFi Streaming

We’re constantly coming up with new and clever ways that businesses can benefit from our local audio over WiFi streaming solutions. Silent discos can use it to provide clandestine music to dancers. Real estate agents can use it to broadcast house details curbside to curious homebuyers driving by. Microbreweries can use it to provide information […]

No one should ever have to miss a speech, a touching moment, a sports play, a joke, a conversation, or a good laugh just because they have hearing loss or because it’s simply too noisy where they are listening. Being able to share in moments like these creates community and makes everyone feel included. AudioFetch […]
3 Fun Ways to Enjoy the Summer!

Summer is finally here, with its long days that stretch into evening, allowing more time to enjoy life outside, more fun with friends, more time for playing sports. Being outside has amazing benefits as well. Just being outside can lower blood pressure, fight depression and improve memory. Natural sunlight helps mitigate pain and boost the […]
How to Measure AudioFetch App Usage

Do you know how often your customers and guests are using AudioFetch? What channels are most popular? Which ads are they engaging with? Understanding how your customers use AudioFetch allows you to make improvements and better understand your return on investment. Every AudioFetch customer is provided access to cloud-based metrics showing usage of your AudioFetch […]
How to Promote AudioFetch at Your Business

Installing AudioFetch at your business is a breeze. Getting customers to use it shouldn’t be difficult either! Here are several ideas for announcing the addition of AudioFetch wireless audio streaming at your business, and getting more customers and guests to use it. POST SIGNAGE Your installation package comes with free marketing collateral to go on […]
How to Host an Outdoor Movie Screening This Halloween

Hollywood Forever Cemetery in Los Angeles, CA will be hosting a costume ball and outdoor screening of “Willy Wonka” this Halloween Eve. It is a tradition at Halloween for the Cemetery to host outdoor movies, usually scary ones, as a means of raising funds for care of the cemetery. And hundreds of people show up. […]
The Top 3 Blogs of 2017

We had an incredible year in 2017! We shared a lot of information about audio solutions for all types of businesses, as well as innovative ideas and tips for using audio to benefit your business and your community. However, the below three blogs were our most read during 2017. Take another look at these helpful […]
The Best Audio Streaming System For Your Business

Has your company ever had an all-hands meeting where half the team had to listen from the hallway because it was too crowded in the boardroom? How about the last time you were in a packed bar trying to watch a game with 60 TVs playing other games? Have you ever had to sit in […]