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As all teachers know, managing a classroom is difficult. It takes skill and effort to wrangle and direct a large group of students; sometimes, it might just seem entirely overwhelming. However, more and more teachers are embracing technology to keep students on task and engaged. Some teachers have found success and inspiration from using a portable PA system. Here are 5 creative ways you can use a portable PA system with your students.

1. Direct a field trip

Keeping track of students in a classroom is hard enough. Outside of the classroom, you also have to worry about the possibility of students running off, getting lost, or missing the bus. A portable PA system can let you communicate to your students during a field trip. Your students will be able to hear your directions and know when to be where, even if they aren’t at the same location as you. You can also add helpful information about the place being visited. Tips, stories and even possible pop-quiz questions.

2. Foreign language listening

Learning a foreign language requires listening and comprehension. Most foreign language programs involve audio in some form: to learn pronunciation, to practice comprehension, or as a part of a test. Computer speakers are often quiet and low-quality, and make it hard for students to hear and understand spoken words. A portable PA system can let your students have high-quality, easy-to-hear audio that comes directly from you. You can cater the audio to meet the needs of that day’s lesson plan, and you can teach multiple langauge levels in the same room.

3. Lecturing with a sore throat

When you’re speaking day in, day out, nonstop, for hours a day, your vocal chords are bound to get fatigued. A portable PA system can amplify your voice even when your throat isn’t working at its best. All you have to do is speak at a comfortable voice into the system, and your students will hear you through their headphones as if you were lecturing normally.

4. Playing music during work time

Did you know that there’s research showing music can help with completing tasks? Mozart and Bach are the most commonly cited examples, but, there are lots of classical and ambient musicians that can be soothing and help students concentrate. If you’re assigning work in class, why not use a portable PA system to play music? This way you can control the use of devices and music in the classroom while rewarding your students with the option work with music without disturbing the class.

5. Lessons outside the classroom

Most students would agree: if it’s nice out, they want to have class outside. Who wants to sit at a desk inside when the sun is shinning? However, a gust of wind or a passing car can easily drown out your voice. A portable PA system, can help you stay audible, and let your students enjoy the sun and the outdoors while they learn.

AudioFetch offers a portable PA system called the FetchExpress that could be the perfect compliment to your lessons this fall. We value education and are proudly offering all AudioFetch products to teachers at 20% August 1 through September 30. We hope to be your partner in education this school year! To learn more just contact us.

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