3 Ways AudioFetch Can Help You #HearMoreTogether

Sound brings communities together. At AudioFetch, our #HearMoreTogether campaign is designed to raise awareness about hearing loss and excessive noise. When you can’t hear what’s going on around you, it can feel very isolating. Our assistive listening devices promote a stronger sense of community by ensuring that everyone can hear more, together. To help you […]

No one should ever have to miss a speech, a touching moment, a sports play, a joke, a conversation, or a good laugh just because they have hearing loss or because it’s simply too noisy where they are listening. Being able to share in moments like these creates community and makes everyone feel included. AudioFetch […]
3 Fun Ways to Enjoy the Summer!

Summer is finally here, with its long days that stretch into evening, allowing more time to enjoy life outside, more fun with friends, more time for playing sports. Being outside has amazing benefits as well. Just being outside can lower blood pressure, fight depression and improve memory. Natural sunlight helps mitigate pain and boost the […]
Build Community with Theater Translation

We live in a multi-cultural global society with large populations in every country speaking Spanish, Chinese, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Arabic, French, Korean, English and hundreds of other languages. Yet, while we may seem so different from our foreign neighbors, we are intrinsically alike as we share similar emotions, concerns, intellect, and desires. We just express them […]