Drive-In Church is Here to Stay

As many regions are relaxing stay-at-home guidelines, and businesses and organizations around the world are beginning to reopen, people are eager to resume their pre-quarantine activities. Yet, coronavirus cases are on the rise again, and many groups are wary of jumping in too quickly, putting the community at greater risk and extending the pandemic. We […]
Drive-Ins: Not Just for Movies Anymore

Drive-ins are the hot trend this summer thanks to COVID-19 and the need for social distancing restrictions. And while the drive-in concept is certainly nothing new, we’re seeing people and organizations get creative with their use of wireless audio streaming technology to provide safer entertainment options, bring communities together and support national and local talent. […]
5 Drive-In Movie Theater Concepts We love

We’ve been heartened and excited by all of the new drive-in movie concepts we’ve seen over the past few months. In these challenging and unprecedented times, it’s inspiring to see so many organizations and businesses getting creative to bring communities together in a responsible way and provide some much-needed entertainment. The following are five businesses […]
How Your Business or Organization Can Host Drive-In Events

Many of our church customers are hosting parking lot church services, allowing their members to continue coming together while maintaining a safe physical distance. These “drive-in” style services let their members maintain a sense of community and connection, without risking the health of themselves and their families. These socially-distant gatherings have been so popular over […]
How to Broadcast Your Church Service to Cars in Parking Lots

Churches and houses of worship are making changes to how they deliver messages to congregations while practicing social distancing. Some churches are turning to online tools, virtual hangouts, and social media to spread the good word. Other churches, however, have found an ingenious solution for still bringing their communities together in a single location, while […]