Audio Streaming Could Save Lives in an Emergency

In emergency situations it is vital that communication be clear and immediately accessible to all involved. Loud speakers can become muffled and may not be appropriate to use in every situation. Hearing assistive streaming devices are an effective and useful alternate solution for efficient communication. In the event of an emergency, a communication system that […]
The Benefits of a Personal PA System

Whether you’re a factory manager, a tour guide, a minister or a sports bar manager, you understand the importance of keeping your people happy. Information is today’s currency, and there is so much of it, coming so quickly, that being able to convey and understand critical information is of top importance. Communication is essential, whether between your […]
New Richmond Area Centre Installs AudioFetch

We hold a very high standard for customer service. While our products are easy to install, sometimes our clients still need some extra support to help with unrelated issues like wifi troubleshooting – and we are there for them! Our install at the New Richmond Area Centre was no exception. With the slogan, “Health, Fitness […]
How to Stream TV at the Gym – Just in Time for the New Year’s Rush!

Why is it that you can a get wireless mouse, thermostat, or even a security system, but you can’t watch TV at the gym without being tethered to an Elliptical machine? While it’s not impossible to carry a tablet with earbuds through the gym, the pros (choosing what you want to watch, being able to […]
California Family Fitness Installs AudioFetch

California Family Fitness, a premier family fitness center, has recently installed AudioFetch in all 19 of their locations in the Sacramento region. AudioFetch helps California Family Fitness meet their goal of providing members and employees of all ages a fun, friendly environment and to promote a healthy lifestyle through state-of-the-art equipment, programs, and activities. Our […]
Why Integrate AudioFetch into Your Smartphone App

When you’ve invested the time, money and resources to develop a custom app for your business, you want your customers to use it as often as possible! But offering other services at your venue, like wireless audio streaming, require the use of a second app, which can pull guests away from your app, limiting options […]
Boost Your Fitness Business With a Portable PA System

As a fitness professional, your knowledge, time, ability to motivate and your voice are some of the most important tools in your repertoire. As a seasoned professional, you have taken steps to keep your knowledge current and schedule your classes and sessions wisely. As the new year approaches, new participants emerge with resolutions in hand. […]
Music Improves Exercise Endurance

It’s easy to believe that music does its own part to help make a workout be more enjoyable. Most people, however, might be surprised that there is science to prove that music improves exercise endurance by stimulating physiological responses. That’s right, music is just as important to maximizing the potential of a workout as stretching and […]
How to Run Ads Through AudioFetch’s Ad Portal

When you make the smart decision to install AudioFetch in your business, whether it’s a sports bar, house of worship, fitness center, educational facility or any other venue, you are provided with an added benefit to help further promote specials or events at your business. Each AudioFetch customer is able to place ads or graphics […]
9 Ways to Promote Your Local Audio Streaming Offer

So, you’ve made the wise decision to install AudioFetch in your business? Good for you! Sit back and bask in the gratitude of your patrons and enjoy the benefits it brings your business for a minute. Want to do more to increase that gratitude and those benefits? Promoting AudioFetch at your establishment can increase usage […]