A BroadcastVision Entertainment Company

6 Ways to Protect Your Hearing [Infographic]

AudioFetch Blog Header - Hearing Protection Infographic

Once your hearing is gone, there’s no getting it back.  Damage to your hearing–whether due to prolonged exposure to loud noises, an infection or illness, or medications–is irreparable. While somethings can’t be prevented, like the normal hearing loss that occurs with age, there are plenty of things you can do to Listen Responsibly and prevent […]

Top 4 Questions About Hearing Loss

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Hearing loss affects 48 million people in the United States, with 14% of adults ages 45 to 64 experiencing some type of hearing impairment. Whether mild or severe, untreated hearing loss can be difficult. It can lead to social isolation and even contribute to health problems. The good news is that there are many types […]

How Coworking Spaces Can Take Advantage of Local Audio Over WiFi Streaming

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We’re constantly coming up with new and clever ways that businesses can benefit from our local audio over WiFi streaming solutions. Silent discos can use it to provide clandestine music to dancers. Real estate agents can use it to broadcast house details curbside to curious homebuyers driving by. Microbreweries can use it to provide information […]

Protect Your Hearing for a Healthier Brain

Woman Using AudioFetch App in Restaurant

There are many reasons to protect your hearing. By taking steps to avoid hearing loss, you can remain engaged in your community and continue living life to the fullest as you age. But did you know that protecting your hearing also leads to a healthier brain? According to a recent Lancet study cited by the […]